Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Brixton is nearly 9 months old and truly a "big boy" now! I think he has reached his full adult height right now, as he seems to have hit a growth wall. Brixton is pretty skinny and lanky and is waiting to fill out...He's kinda in that awkward teenage boy stage where their limbs grow but they don't know how to operate them smoothly!

Brixy wants to go out all night and play and sometimes pretends that he doesn't hear us when we are talking to him! Plus he has recently been giving his parents a lot more back-chat...definitely signs of a cheeky teenager!

Uncle and Auntie Marlow gave us the most comfortable chair in the world. Brixton thinks that this chair is for his sole use only! He likes to jump in it and make it rock back and forth!

Brixton looks longingly at Eugene and wishes he could sit up front with him. They both did well on the nearly 3 hour car journey to Lake Nacimiento.

Brixton LOVES playing fetch with his Papa! Here he is jumping for the ball!

Brixton loves hanging out with his girlfriend Hanya. They especially like going to the river to fetch sticks in the water. Hanya is pretty quick and often claims the stick first, her pit bull lock jaw holds on tight! But Brixy is a gentleman, and I have noticed that he sometimes lets her have the stick, even when he is able to fetch it first! Awwwwwwwwww!


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