Friday, August 20, 2010


The Culinary Historians of Southern California will be having a cookbook sale on 22nd August 2010 at the Hollywood Farmers Market from 8:00am - 1:00pm. This paints the perfect Sunday morning for a foodie like me because I can combine shopping for local and seasonal fruit and veggies, noshing on delectable market food for lunch and picking up vintage and recent cookbooks, which have already been vetted by members of the Culinary Historians! Yay!!!! Let me hear ya say "bon appetit!!!!"

Mark your calendars and get there early to swipe the cooking treasures!

Hollywood Farmer's Market
Ivar between Sunset Blvd. and Hollywood Blvd.
Sundays from 8:00am - 1:00pm

The Culinary Historians of Southern California (CHSC) is a not-for-profit organization that supports the culinary collections at the Los Angeles Public Library; proceeds from the book sale enhance the work of the CHSC.


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